Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam, Dakshinamanaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Valedictory function of Adi Shankaracharya Ashtottara Yajna


The Adi Shankaracharya Ashtottara Shatanama Parayana Yajna was organised by the Shaankara Tattva Prasaara Abhiyaanam of the Peetham under the directive and with the blessings of the Ubhaya Jagadgurus. About 40,000 people participated in the Yajna conducted from December 6, 2015 to May 1, 2016 in more than 1200 centres across Karnataka. The Yajna was also conducted by devotees in Chennai, Vijayawada, Mumbai as well as overseas communities in Dubai and the USA. More than 65,000 booklets were distributed to the participants of the Yajna. The Mathadhipatis of Yadathore, Swarnavalli, Hariharapura, Chitrapura and Haladipura in accordance to the directive by the Sringeri Jagadguru, engaged their devotees in this Yajna.

The Ashtottara was chanted more than 48 lakh times by the participants in total. More than 7000 students in various schools and colleges in the districts of Bellary, Bijapur, Bengaluru, Dakshina Kannada, Kolar, and Chikmagalur also took part in the Yajna. Akhanda Parayana also took place every month in Mangalore and during Mahashivaratri in Bengaluru and Sringeri while the highest number of counts of the Parayana over the 5-month period, was in the districts of Chikmagalur, Mysuru, Bellary and Tumkur.

On May 29 2016, the Valedictory function of the Adi Shankaracharya Ashtottara Shatanama Parayana Yajna took place in Sringeri in the divine presence of the Ubhaya Jagadgurus. About 3500 people from all over Karnataka arrived at Sringeri to participate in the event. In the morning, a huge procession took place along the main Bharati Street of Sringeri commencing from the Sharadamba temple. Participants chanted the Ashtottara of Sri Adi Shankaracharya and the Utsava Murti of Sri Adi Shankaracharya was pulled all the way from the Rajagopuram to the Circle at the end of the street, where a beautiful marble statue of Sri Adi Shankaracharya is installed. Chantings of the Upanishad Mantras and Bhajans rented the air as the procession made its way back to the temple of Sri Adi Shankaracharya. Thereafter, devotees had Darshan of the Jagadgurus at Guru Nivas and received blessings.

In the evening, a grand Valedictory function took place in the Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Sabha Bhavanam in the divine presence of the Ubhaya Jagadgurus. The program began with Veda Ghosha and prayer. Sri Shikharipura Krishnamoorthy, Coordinator of the Shaankara Tattva Prasaara Abhiyaanam of the Peetham, offered Pranams to the Ubhaya Jagadgurus and welcomed the gathering. This was followed by thousands of participants chanting the Ashtottara in unison. Thereafter, CEO & Administrator of the Peetham, Sri VR Gowrishankar commended the participation of devotees and said that a total of 50 crore nama-s had been chanted in total. Sri Umesh Harihar, the chief coordinator of the Yajna, explained how the Jagadgurus had blessed and guided the entire Yajna from the very first day. He also mentioned that while the Yajna had aimed to conduct 20 lakh Parayana-s over the 5 month period, the enthusiastic participation of devotees that this number had crossed 48 lakh.

In His Anugraha Bhashanam, Sri Sannidhanam said that while its our foremost duty to revere and be grateful to Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada for all the welfare he has brought upon us, whatever we do by way of expressing gratitude would not be adequate. How could a drop of water add anything to the ocean. Yet, it is imperative for us to do what is possible by way of expressing gratitude and showing reverence to Bhagavatpada.

Sri Sannidhanam pointed out that even a simple act of reverence and devotion towards Bhagavatpada will fetch great benefit, and recounted the incident where a poor household was blessed with a shower of gold coins, brought about by the young Shankara invoking Goddess Lakshmi.

Even if a Brahma Jnani will be untouched and detached in all his engagements, he would bestow the supreme good on those who serve him with devotion. The words of Bhagavatpada have the potency to remove our ignorance and to establish our self in the bliss of the Self. When Sri Adi Shankaracharya mentally blessed the dull but deeply devoted disciple Giri, Giri was bestowed with divine knowledge and scholarship, and became Totakacharya. Such was the Acharya’s power of Sankalpa that Giri became a Sarvajna (all-knowing person) in an instant!

Sri Sannidhanam stated that the term “Jagadguru” is used when a great personage’s life and teachings are directed towards the welfare of entire humanity. Hence, we all revere Bhagavan Sri Krishna for having instructed the Bhagavad Gita as a Jagadguru. We also revere Bhagavan Veda Vyasa as a Jagadguru for it was He who classified the Vedas into four, wrote the Brahmasutras to concisely state the Upanishadic philosophy of Advaita, penned the eighteen Mahapuranas and Mahabharata for showing the path of welfare to all humanity. Likewise, Sri Adi Shankaracharya is a Jagadguru for having accomplished so much in a short life of 32 years – from penning commentaries on the Prasthana Traya (the Upanishads, Brahma Sutras and Bhagavad Gita) to establishing the four Amnaya Peethams and ensuring that Sanatana Dharma is revived and upheld for all time. To say that

Sri Sannidhanam ended His Anugraha Bhashanam expressing joy that in accordance to the Sankalpa of His Guru, so many thousands had come forward to participate in the Yajna and shown their adherence to Dharma.

In His Anugraha Bhashanam, Sri Mahasannidhanam explained that the Ashtottara Shatanama describes beautifully various facets of Sri Adi Shankaracharya. The Ashtottara states that Sri Adi Shankaracharya is truly an incarnation of Lord Shankara bringing about the welfare of the world – “साक्षात् शंकररूपधृते नमः”.

The purpose of the incarnation too is mentioned in the nama-s, “अद्वैतस्थापनाचार्याय नमः” – to establish the Upanishadic philosophy of Advaita,“दुर्वादिमतखन्डनाय नमः” – to dispel the incorrect interpretations put forth by other schools of thought. Sri Adi Shankaracharya in His Brahmasutra Bhashya states that the tenets of such schools cannot stand the test of logical reason and being so weak, give way just as a well constructed with sand walls would cave in – “सिकताकूपवद्विदीर्यत एव ; न काञ्चिदप्यत्रोपपत्तिं पश्यामः”. Another nama in the Ashtottara states that Sri Adi Shankaracharya incarnated to throw light on what is “Paramartha” – the Absolute Eternal Reality – “परमार्थप्रकाशकाय नमः”.

It was Sri Adi Shankaracharya who resuscitated the Sannsaya Ashrama, also called Parivraajaka Ashrama – “परिव्राजाश्रमोधर्त्रे नमः”. As per Sanatana Dharma, moving towards renunciation, and striving for the Truth is the summum bonum of human life. At a time when people lacked faith even in the performance of Sandhyavandanam, let alone embracing the fourth Ashrama of Sannyasa (न सन्ध्यादीनि कर्माणि न्यासं वा कदाचन), Sri Adi Shankaracharya ensured that the fourth Ashrama of Sannyasa secures its due place in society and laid down the path to take for those fit for renunciation.

Sri Adi Shankaracharya is compared in the Ashtottara Shatanama to the Sun who dispels the darkness of ignorance – “अज्ञानतिमिरादित्याय नमः” and to the moon that rises on the ocean of divine knowledge – “सुज्ञानाम्बुधिचन्द्रमसे नमः”.

The nama – “भक्ताभीष्टप्रदायकाय नमः” – points out that Sri Adi Shankaracharya out of His unbounded compassion graces devotees and fulfils all their desires. The nama – “वैराग्यनिरताय नमः” indicates that Sri Adi Shankaracharya was an epitome of dispassion. He was even prepared to sacrifice Himself for the sake of the Kaapalika who wished to cut off His head to obtain heavenly bliss.

Sri Adi Shankaracharya by dint of His teachings carries the seeker across the ocean of Samsara – “संसारार्णवतारकाय नमः”.

Being a Guru who is ever intent on the welfare of His disciples, Sri Adi Shankaracharya always had a pleasant countenance – “प्रसन्नवदनाम्भोजाय नमः” and was ever engaged in instructing His disciples along the path of welfare – “शिष्योपदेशनिरताय नमः”.

Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s contributions are beautifully described in various nama-s such as
“श्रीब्रह्मसूत्रोपनिषद्-भाष्यादि-ग्रन्थकल्पकाय नमः”- the one who penned masterful texts such as the Brahma Sutra Bhashya, ‘“चतुर्दिक्चतुराम्नायप्रतिष्ठात्रे नमः” – the one who established the four Amnaya Peethams along the four directions at Puri, Sringeri, Dwaraka and Badari, “द्विसप्ततिमतोच्छेत्रे नमः” – the one who uprooted 72 opposing schools of thought, “सर्वदिग्विजयप्रभवे नमः” – the one who emerged victorious in philosophic debates everywhere and established the Vedanta Siddhanta.

Sri Mahasannidhanam stated that it was only with the intention of revering Sri Adi Shankaracharya by chanting the Ashtottara, that the Ashtottara Shatanama Parayana Yagna has been organized.

Sri Mahasannidhanam also said that centres under the name of “Sharada Shankara Bhaktha Mandali” would be formed in all the states and many Dharmic activities would be conducted under the auspices of these Mandali-s.

Sri Mahasannidhanam also said that the chanting of the Ashtottara of Sri Adi Shankaracharya must not end with the conclusion of the Yajna. Every Astika must continue to chant it every day.

Sri Mahasannidhanam expressed immense joy at the huge number of devotees participating in the Yajna and said that it was as if the Lord Himself had taken the form of all devotees and attended the event!

Sri Mahasannidhanam ended His Anugraha Bhashanam with blessings for all the assembled.

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