Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam, Dakshinamanaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Kumbhabhisheka of renovated Sringeri Math in Shivamogga


Sri Sannidhanam graced Shivamogga from May 22 to May 25, 2019. Arriving on the evening of May 22, Sri Sannidhanam first had Darshan of Kote Anjaneya Swamy temple and Bhimeshwara Swamy temple, and then proceeded in a procession to the renovated Sringeri Shankara Math. Sri Sannidhanam inaugurated the Bharati Tirtha Bhavanam in the premises of the Math upon arrival. After Dhuli Pada was performed, a Swagata Patrika was read and offered to Sri Sannidhanam. In His Anugraha Bhashanam, Sri Sannidhanam remembered the previous visits of the Sringeri Jagadgurus to Shivamogga and conveyed His Blessings to the devout citizens.

The following day (May 23), Sri Sannidhanam performed the Punah Prathishtha Kumbhabhisheka of Sri Mahaganapati, Goddess Sharadamba, Sri Adi Shankaracharya in the beautiful granite temple complex. In the evening, Sri Sannidhanam graced Harakeri and had Darshan at the Sri Rameshwara Swamy temple of the Sringeri Math. Later, at Kamalapura, Sri Sannidhanam was received reverentially by devotees led by renowned astrologer, Sri Kamalakara Bhat, and performed the Bhumi Puja for Swarna Garbha Ganapati temple. In the evening, Sri Sannidhanam graced the Sabha organised as part of the Kumbhabhisheka at the Sringeri Shankara Math. Sringeri Math CEO Sri VR Gowrishankar spoke on the occasion about the developmental activities at the branch Math and felicitated the Hon. Branch-head, Dr. Narayan, Sri Shivashankar and the Sri Shankara Sthapati. Sri Sannidhanam then blessed the devotees with an Anugraha Bhashanam.

On May 24, Sri Sannidhanam first graced the hall in the premises of the Sringeri Shankara Math, where Vedic classes are being held for adults and blessed the participants. Sri Sannidhanam then arrived at the Lakshmi Narayana temple, where a special program was conducted to mark the centenary year of the Shankara Jayanti Celebrations conducted in the temple premises. Sri Sannidhanam blessed the devout gathering with an Anugraha Bhashanam. The Poornahuti of the Rudra Homa, that was conducted on the occasion, took place in the divine presence of Sri Sannidhanam. Thereafter, Sri Sannidhanam visited the Kote Chandika Durga Parameshwari temple, had Darshan and dedicated a new Ratha to the Goddess. In the evening, Sri Sannidhanam had Darshan at the Dattatreya temple in Vinayaka temple. Later in the evening, Sri Sannidhanam graced the Silver Jubilee function of the Srigandha Saamskritika Samsthaa held at the Kuvempu Auditorium. Sri Sannidhanam was accorded a devout welcome by senior BJP leader and the President of the cultural institution, Sri KS Eshwarappa. Speaking on the occasion, Sri Eshwarappa spoke about the greatness of the Sringeri Jagadgurus and the welfare activities that have been taking place under the auspices of the Sringeri Math and offered his Pranams to Sri Sannidhanam. Sri Sannidhanam then blessed the gathering with an Anugraha Bhashanam detailing the Sanatana Samskriti.

On May 25, Sri Sannidhanam graced the Poornahuti of the Rudra Homa conducted in the premises of the Sringeri Shankara Math. Sri Sannidhanam then graced the Brahmana Sabha, that organised a function at the Gayatri Kalyana Mandapam, blessed the devotees with an Anugraha Bhashanam and returned the same evening to Sringeri.

  • Weapons do not cut This (Atma); nor does fire does burn It. Water does not wet (nor drown) nor does wind dry It. This (Atma) cannot be slain, nor burnt, nor wetted, nor dried up. It is changeless, all-pervading, stable, immovable and eternal. Bhagavan Sri Krishna on Significance of God
  • Do not be proud of wealth, people (relations and friends), and youth. All these are snatched by Time in the blink of an eye. Giving up this illusory world, know and attain the Supreme. Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada on Mohamudgara
  • Today God is altogether ignored and this is the cause of all our suffering and misery. Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamigal on Significance of God
  • By God’s grace, we have obtained a human birth, the power of discrimination and someone to teach us about the ultimate, truth. If we still remain lazy, we will be wasting a marvelous opportunity. Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamigal on Significance of God
  • No man is omniscient. Hence man should not have the ego that he knows all. It is ego that leads man astray and drives him to commit sins. Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamigal on Significance of God's Names