Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam, Dakshinamanaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Suvarna Bharati Mahotsava – 2023

50th year (2023-24) of Sannyasa Sweekara of Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji

Dear Devotees,
Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankaracharya, the incarnation of Bhagavan Parashiva, descended on this sacred land of Bharata twelve centuries ago. He protected the Santana Vaidika Dharma and established the Upanishadic conclusion of Advaita. He penned a number of works including the Prasthana-traya-bhashyas. He undertook Digvijaya Yatras across the country defeating scholars of opposing schools of thought. He established four Amnaya Peethams for the sustained propagation of Santana Dharma and the Advaita Tattva. Amongst these Peethams, the Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham at Sringeri shines to this day with an unbroken Guru Parampara decorated by illustrious, learned and austere Acharyas such as Sri Sureshwaracharya, Sri Vidyatirtha and Sri Vidyaranya.

Presently, the Peetham is adorned by the 36th Acharya, Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji, who is a repository of various noble qualities, has unparalleled scholarship in the Shastras and showers causeless affection on disciples. The Mahaswamiji embraced Sannyasa on 11-11-1974 (Ananda Samvatsara Ashwayuja Krishna Dvadashi). Ever since, the Mahaswamiji has ceaselessly engaged over the past 50 years in many activities for the spread of Santana Vaidika Dharma, and is revered widely across the globe.

Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam (the Peetham’s successor-designate and 37th Acharya) has resolved that the Swarna Mahotsava (golden jubilee celebrations) of the Mahaswamiji’s Sannyasa Sweekara be celebrated for a year from the current Ashwayuja Masa to the next (Oct/Nov 2023 to Oct 2024) with the observation of various Vedic rituals, Dharmic activities, cultural events and charitable activities.

Many years ago, Jagadguru Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji wishing to highlight the greatness of Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada took the sacred Sankalpa to consecrate, on a hillock in Sringeri, a beautiful 32 foot granite statue of Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada surrounded by figures of His four primary disciples including Sri Sureshwaracharya (the first Acharya of Sringeri). Accordingly with the Mahaswamiji’s Anugraha as the principal support, the statue has been readied with great effort.

Likewise, a statue has also been made ready for the 12th Sringeri Acharya, Jagadguru Sri Vidyaranya who is well-known for having founded the Vijayanagara empire and for having penned many great works including the commentaries of the four Vedas. The hillock will also feature a museum, state-of-the-art auditorium and an amphitheatre. During this auspicious Swarna Mahotsava, all these wil be inaugurated on Ashwayuja Krishna Dvadashi (10-11-2023), the sacred Tithi of the Mahaswamiji’s Sannyasa Sweekara. As part of the Mahotsava and the inauguration, many Dharmic activities for the welfare of mankind including Ati Rudra Mahayajna and Sahasra Chandi Mahayajna are taking place during the Ashwayuja Krishna Paksha.

All Astikas are requested to enthusiastically participate in this rare and sacred event and become a recipient of the Grace of Bhagavati Sri Sharadamba, Bhagavan Sri Chandramoulishwara and the Jagadguru Mahaswamijis.

Padmashri Awardee Guruseva Dhurina
Dr. V. R. Gowrishankar Administrator & C E O

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