Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam, Dakshinamanaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Adhika Maasa programmes at Pune branch


This year, Jagadguru is observing chaturmasya vrata for three months instead of the usual two months. This additional month is because of Adhika maasa, an intercalary adjustments of lunar almanac (panchang) with the solar calendar.

The solar calendar is based on the sun’s movement through the zodiac signs (raasi) and this almanac is the astronomical guide for Tamil nadu, Kerala, Bengal, etc., the lunar calendar is based on the moon’s rotation around the earth with the correlation to earth’s rotation around the sun. In most other regions, the Chandramana or the Lunar calendar is followed. The lunar month begins on the day following Amavasya (new moon) in the reigon south of the Vindhya ranges (viz. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra) and on the day following Purnima (full moon) in all other reigons. Due to variation in the time for moon’s rotation around the earth and the earth’s rotation around the sun, the lunar year is approximately 354 days against 365 days of solar year. Thus, there is a shortfall of 11 days per year.

To synchronize, with the solar panchang, there is an addition of one month every 2 ½ years in the lunar calendar. This addition is called Adhika (extra) or Mala (waste) and also Purushottama (Vishnu) maasa. In this month, people devote themselves in prayer, parayanam, shanti homam, etc. Family functions like marriages etc are taboo.

The current adhika maasa in Bhadrapada month occurs once in every 24 years.

Padma purana extols that adhika maasa is the most auspicious month for any worship. Thus said, Shringeri Shankar Math, Pune is conducting the following programmes in this month.

  • Sunday, September  9 , 2012 – Pavamaana homam
  • Thursday, September  13 , 2012 – Purusha sukta homam, Narayana sukta homam & Vishnu sahasranama homam.
  • Saturday, September  15  , 2012Shani Amavasya; Sri Ganapati Homam, Navagraha Homam & Shani homam

In addition, there is daily parayanam of Sri Vishnu sahasranama and Srimad Bhagwad Geeta.
For further details, please contact —

Shringeri Shankar Math,
Plot 115-117, Bhusari Colony,
Paud Road,
Pune – 411 038
Tel: 020 25280212

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