Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam, Dakshinamanaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

65th Vardhanti Mahotsava of Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam


On March 24th, after granting an early Darshan at Guru Nivas to the many devotees who had come from across the country, Jagadguru Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahasannidhanam and Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekara Bharati Sannidhanam crossed the river Tunga to reach its northern banks for the traditional Aalaya Darshan (darshan at all temples including that of the presiding deity, Goddess Sharadamba). This was followed by an elaborate and special worship by Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam, amid sonorous Vedic chants, at the shrines of Lord Sthamba Ganapati, Lord Malahanikareshwara and Goddess Bhavani in the hillock temple dedicated to Lord Malahanikareshwara. During the ceremonial worship by Sri Sri Maha Sannidhanam to Lord Sthamba Ganapati, Sri Sri Sannidhanam also had Darshan at the temple. The evening Darshan at Guru Nivas was packed to capacity and Their Holinesses Sri Sri Maha Sannidhanam and Sri Sri Sannidhanam gave Darshan to all assembled devotees.

Vardhanti Day, i.e. March 25th 2014, dawned early for the eager devotees as thousands flocked to Narasimha Vanam for Anhika Darshan of Jagadguru Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahasannidhanam. Devotees queued up from the wee hours of morning to catch a glimpse of the Jagadguru engaged in His morning Anushtanam and to perform Bhikshavandanam. Following the Anhika Darshan, devotees had Darshan of Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekara Bharathi Mahaswamiji in Sacchidananda Vilas and were blessed with Bhikshavandana Prasada.

Thereafter, Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sri Sannidhanam proceeded to the northern banks of the Tunga for Aalaya Darshan at every temple. Then, Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam performed a special Puja to the exquisitely adorned Goddess. As the Jagadguru worshipped the Goddess, a wave of tranquility engulfed the assembled devotees and the divinity quotient of the ambiance soared to its peak. Post the Puja, Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sri Sannidhanam wrapped proceedings for the morning by gracing the Jagadguru Sri Narasimha Bharati Yaga Shala for the Poornahuti of the Maharudra Mahayaga which had commenced three days prior to the Vardhanti.

Guru Vandana, the public function organized by disciples in honour and reverence of the Jagadguru, commenced at 6 PM at Guru Nivas with Vedic invocations and a devotional song in honour of Jagadguru Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahasannidhanam. Sri V. R. Gowrishankar, the CEO and Adminstrator of the Sharada Peetham offered Pranams on behalf of all devotees to Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam expressing that after quarter a century, devotees were having the joy of beholding the Sringeri Jagadguru along with His Shishya. Sri Gowrishankar and the Pandits of the Sadvidya Sanjeevini Samskrita Maha Pathashala offered Phala Samarpanam on behalf of all devotees. Ardent devotees of the Jagadguru including Vedabrahmasri Kuppa Shivasubrahmanya Avadhani (Poorvashrama father of Sri Sannidhanam), Sri Nageswaran of Shivamogga reverentially spoke about the greatness of the Jagadguru on the occasion.

Sri Mahasannidhanam released the following books released on the occasion – Reprint of the first volume of the English edition titled Dakshinamurthy Stotram (of Sri Adi Shankaracharya) with exhaustive explanatory notes by Sri D S Subbaramaiyya based on the commentaries Maanasollaasa (by Sureshwaracharya) and Tattva Sudha, Volume 2 of Sharada Stuti Manjari comprising of hymns on Goddess Sharada and sung by Sangeetha Kalanidhi Smt. Vedavalli, Arulaalarin Aruluraigal, Vidyaranya Vijaya Dundubhi by Sri G R Patil, Dharwad, special issue of Vishakha Vipravani Telugu monthly, Naija Bhaktiya Aavashyaka Sootragalu containing Anugraha Bhashanams in Kannada of Sri Mahasannidhanam.

The event also witnessed the launch of a new e-Magazine, entitled “Voice of the Jagadguru”, by Sri Sri Maha Sannidhanam. Speaking at the launch, Sri V. R. Gowrishankar, the CEO and Adminstrator of the Sharada Peetam, explained the need for a virtual magazine. In an age, he reasoned, where people have limited time or decreasing inclination towards the print medium, an electronic magazine of this nature that is aligned to the reading preferences of people is much-needed.

The activities of the evening culminated with the Anugraha Bhashanams of Their Holinesses Sri Sri Bharathi Tirtha Mahaswamiji and Sri Sri Vidhushekara Bharathi Mahaswamiji. The hall reverberated with the eager enthusiasm of devotees as they awaited the Anugraha Bhashanams.

Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam, in His Anugraha Bhashanam, extolled the virtue and greatness of a Guru and explained how Jnana (Knowledge) bestowed by the Guru is the only means to Moksha. Sri Sri Sannidhanam stated that when the disciple worships and serves the Sadguru with devotion, the Sadguru becomes pleased and bestows the disciple with Jnana that leads to Moksha. Refering to the Vedic dictum – तमेव विदित्वा अतिमृत्युमेति – Sri Sri Sannidhanam stressed that it is only Jnana that leads to Moksha. The Jnana referred to herein is Brahma Jnana and the only person who can initiate us into that Jnana is the Guru.

Bhagavatpada Sri Adi Shankaracharya defines a Guru as अधिगततत्त्वः शिष्यहिताय उद्यतः सततम् – One who has Self-knowledge and imparts it to the disciple and is always intent upon uplifting the disciple. When we surrender to such a Guru, our life will become fulfilled. Such a Guru will dispel our ignorance and bestow Jnana, bring us out of the ocean of Samsara and grace us. Jagadguru Sri Vidyaranya Mahaswamiji (the 12th Acharya of the Peetham) mentions this quality of the Guru as – सविलासमहामोहग्राहग्रासैककर्मणे – We suffer in the ocean of Samsara due to the alligator of great delusion. It is the Guru who frees us from the clutches of this alligator of delusion and delivers us.

We must serve the Guru with great devotion. A question may arise as to whether the Guru will immediately confer Jnana. The qualification for this has to be acquired by the disciple. Bhagavan Sri Krishna mentions this in the Gita as – तद्विद्धि प्रणिपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेवया । उपदेक्ष्यन्ति ते ज्ञानं ज्ञानिनस्तत्त्वदर्शिनः ॥ – When we surrender to a Guru, have great faith and devotion in His teachings, adhere to them in our lives, bring our senses under our control and serve the Guru, the Guru will be pleased with us. Then He will bestow Jnana. The very existence of the Guru is to help us to cross the ocean of Samsara. The Guru having crossed this ocean Himself will compassionately guide disciples too to cross it – तीर्णाः स्वयं भीमभवार्णवं जनानहेतुनान्यानपि तारयन्तः.

It is our great fortune that we are blessed to have such a Jnani as our Guru. It is the result of our Punya over many millions of past lives. Many devotees have had His Darshan today and have become blessed. The greatness of the Darshan of a Mahatma is described thus –

हरत्यघं संप्रति हेतुरेष्यतः शुभस्य पूर्वाचरितैः कृतं शुभैः ।
शरीरभाजां भवदीयदर्शनं व्यनक्ति कालत्रितयेऽपि योग्यताम् ।।

The Darshan of a Mahatma brings to light a devotee’s threefold fortune associated with the past, present and future. It is one’s past good deeds that has made the Darshan possible now. This Darshan destroys the accumulated sins in the present, and is the forbearer of the welfare that will be brought about in the future.

Exalting the greatness of the Sringeri Guru Parampara, Sri Sri Vidhushekara Bharathi Mahaswamiji stated that all Jagadgurus in the illustrious lineage are Sadgurus and Brahma Jnanis. The Jagadgurus of Sringeri stand testimony to the characteristics that a Guru should possess, emphasized Sri Sri Sannidhanam. Therefore, our Guru who hails from this illustrious lineage of Gurus, has utmost affection towards all sishyas.

Sri Sri Sannidhanam ended His Anugraha Bhashanam stating that we must revere our Guru with faith and devotion and prayed that His Grace be upon us at all times.

In His Anugraha Bhashanam, Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam stated that Srimad Bhagavad Gita is most sacred and equivalent to the Vedas for all of us, for it has been taught by Bhagavan Sri Krishna Paramatma Himself. That is why it is said – गीता सुगीता कर्तव्या किमन्यैः शास्त्रविस्तरैः । या स्वयं पद्मनाभस्य मुखपद्माद्विनिःसृता ।।

By having Arjuna as an instrument, Bhagavan has given us all the teaching of the Gita. There are so many pearls of wisdom in the Gita. We must try to understand them well and must try to bring them into practice. One amongst the great teachings in the Gita is –

उद्धरेदात्मनाऽऽत्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत् ।
आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मनः ।।

Our upliftment must be by our own selves. We have to take effort towards this. Otherwise we ourselves will be the cause for our downfall. We must not think that there are friends and relatives who will do a lot of good for us. Truly, it is our own selves. For even one’s own family respects only as long as one is able to earn money – यावद्वित्तोपार्जनसक्तः तावन्निजपरिवारो रक्तः.

Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam added that as long as we adhere to Dharma, Shreyas ensues. By turning to Adharma, we become our own enemy and bring about our own downfall.

We have been blessed with Vivechana shakti to help us to distinguish between the good and bad. A father gave his son who was a soldier a sword to fight the enemy in battle. Rather than putting the sword to proper use, if the son cuts his own throat, who is to blame? That is why our elders have said that it is a misunderstanding to think that others are the cause for joy and suffering to us –

सुखस्य दुःखस्य न कोपि दाता ।
परो ददातीति कुबुद्धिरेषा ॥

Some may ask – We do find a number of enemies in our lives. How can it then be said that one’s enemy is one’s own self and no one else. If one understands how people became enemies to a person, it will be realized that the conduct of the person was at fault. Hence it is indeed that one’s enemy is one’s own self only. If a person however holds on to the path of Dharma in spite of all difficulties, then he becomes the instrument of his own welfare. In our epics, Sri Rama and Sri Yudhishthira are exemplars of such conduct. Despite having to get through a number of struggles in their lives, Sri Rama and Yudhishthira never swerved from the path of Dharma. That is why we remember and revere them. Even the chanting of their divine names removes our sins and sets us along the path of Dharma. We must try and follow the ideal set by them. Instead, if we keep hearing to discourses and keep reading books that instruct us on Dharma, and keep engaging in wrong deeds in our daily lives, what benefit does it bring?

Hence we must understand that we are ourselves the masters of our welfare. Bhagavatpada Shankara too has mentioned this in His Vivekachoodamani as –

उद्धरेदात्मनाऽऽत्मानं मग्नं संसारवारिधौ ।
योगारूढत्वमासाद्य सम्यक्दर्शननिष्ठया ॥

We have been sailing on the ocean of Samsara for many many lifetimes. In every lifetime, we have gone through the various stages of childhood, youth, and old age. In every lifetime, a lot of suffering and sorrow has been experienced. This is true even for life as a human. What to speak of lifetimes spent with a body that is not human, for animals and other species suffer even more in their lifetimes. So if we have to get out of this transmigratory existence, we have to adhere to Dharma, refrain from Adharma and ultimately acquire Jnana. Such are the teachings contained in the Bhagavad Gita. And it is in order to propagate these Shastric teachings for all times, that Sri Adi Shankaracharya established the Chaturamnaya Peethams.

Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam said that the disciples of the Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham have deemed it their duty and joy to celebrate the Vardhanti of the Sringeri Jagadguru. It is for this reason, that devotees gather in large numbers on this day every year.

Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam also mentioned that devotees had associated a sense of dissatisfaction with the Jaya Samvatsara, as it was during the previous Jaya Samvatsara (1954-55) that the renowned Jivanmukta, Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamiji had shed his mortal coil. However this time, the same Jaya Samvatsara has given us a splendid Swamiji (the Uttaradhikari Shishya). It is as if the Jaya Samvatsara is telling us now “Last time, you all were angry that I had taken away Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamiji. Now that I have given you Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Mahaswamiji, you can all be very happy now.”

Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam expressed happiness that it is the Grace of Goddess Sharada and Lord Chandramoulishwara that had brought fufillment to the prayer of finding a suitable candidate to be successor to the Peetham.

Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam said that everything has been possible because of the Anugraha of His own revered Guru, Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji.

Speaking about the books released on the occasion, Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam had special words of praise for Ganapati Ramachandra Patil (GR Patil) who has highlighted various characteristics of Sri Vidyaranya Mahaswamiji – his scholarship, penance, compassion towards disciples, able administration and his firm establishment in the truth of Advaita.

Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam also mentioned that while the disciples had great enthusiasm regarding the celebration of Vardhanti, He Himself did not have any special regard for the occasion. He mentioned that it was however beneficial to the disciples for they would have Darshan of their Guru and also take part in Dharmic activities conducted on the occasion. Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam recalled how His Paramaguru (Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamiji) stayed aloof even during the occasion of His Shashtyabdapoorti. When the then disciples had approached Him, He said “It is not I who has aged 60 years. The age is for the body. So I have no regard for this.” When the disciples then proposed the conduct of a Sahasrachandi Mahayaga, He said “If you wish to worship the Divine Mother, you may do so with My approval. I have no objection towards that.” Such was His Vairagya (dispassion) that we can be proud to call ourselves His disciples in the Parampara. Our Paramaguru Himself has extolled the greatness of Vairagya thus –

न विषयभोगो भाग्यं योग्यं किल यत्र जन्तुमात्रमपि ।
ब्रह्मेन्द्ररुद्रमृग्यं भाग्यं विषयेषु वैराग्यम् ।

Observing the Vairagya, scholarship in the Shastras and His observance of Sannyasa Dharma, a poet composed a Shloka extolling the Paramaguru as verily a personification of the Shastras, Sannyasa Dharma and Vairagya –

सशरीरः शास्त्रगणः तनुमांस्तुर्याश्रमोचितो धर्मः ।
विग्रहवद्वैराग्यं शृङ्गगिरौ भाति शारदापीठे ॥

Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam ended the Bhashanam stating that by the Grace of His Guru, He now had a Uttaradhikari Shishya, and the Shishya Swamiji will grace all devotees of the Peetham for a long time.

The grand Vardhanti celebrations concluded on March 27th with the Poornahuti of the Shatachandika Mahayaga in the divine presence of Their Holinesses Sri Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sri Sannidhanam.

  • To that which is born, death is indeed certain; and to that which is dead, birth is certain. Therefore, knowing this, you ought not to grieve over (this) inevitable. Bhagavan Sri Krishna on Significance of God
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  • Once you begin to feel the presence of God, a joy unknown to you ever before will begin to be felt. The thought of his ever- living presence with you will be a great solace to you. Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamigal on Significance of God
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