Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Shankara Jayanti 2015 Celebrations


The birth anniversary of Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada, the rejuvenator of Santana Dharma, was reverentially observed at Sringeri by Their Holinesses Jagadguru Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji and Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekara Bharati Mahaswamiji from 19th to 25th April, 2015. The occasion marked the first Shankara Jayanti after the historic Shishya Sweekara, when Sri Sri Vidhushekara Bharathi Mahaswamiji was initiated as the Uttaradhikari Shishya to add to the glorious lineage of Jagadgurus instituted by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. An assembly of Vedic scholars from across the country gathered to participate in the celebrations led by Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannindham, and to pay their respects to the Adi Guru. The Jayanti celebrations witnessed an array of Vedic and scholarly activities that paid a fitting tribute to the great philosopher-saint.
Adi Shankara Ratha Yatra
The celebrations commenced on the 19th of April (Vaishaka Shukla Pratipat) with the inauguration of the Adi Shankara Ratha Yatra by Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam at Narasimha Vanam. The Yatra was initiated with a view to spread the glory and teachings of Sri Adi Shankaracharya. Sri Sannidhanam performed Arati to the Murti of Sri Adi Shankarachrya placed atop the Yatra vehicle and the Yatra soon commenced from Narasimha Vanam towards various destinations in Karnataka. The Ratha Yatra was conducted under the auspices of the Mandya region of the Shaankara Tattva Prasaara Abhiyanam of the Peetham.
Daily Events
The traditional observances at the Adi Shankaracharya temple on the northern bank of the river Tunga began the same day (April 19th). Every morning, until the Shankara Jayanti day, Mahanyasa Poorvaka Shata Rudra Abhisheka was performed to the Vigraha of Bhagavatpada. Parayana of the four Vedas, the Prasthanatraya Bhashya and Madhaviya Shankara Vijaya (the biography of Sri Shankara’s life) was performed daily.
Throughout the Jayanti Celebrations, Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam, after granting Darshan to devotees in Guru Nivas on the southern bank of the river Tunga, crossed the river to the temple of Adi Shankaracharya. The Jagadgurus engaged the Vedic scholars in Upanishad Parayana (such as the Taittiriya, Chandogya and Brihadaranyaka Upanishads). Archana to Sri Adi Shankaracharya, accompanied by group chanting of Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada’s Ashtottara followed by Mahamangalarati, concluded each day’s morning program at the temple.
Vedic scholars from all over India took part in the Veda Sammelan conducted on the occasion by the Peetham’s Veda Poshaka Sabha. Under the auspices of the Sabha, examinations were conducted for advanced students of the Vedas.
In the evenings, Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam presided over a Sabha at the Pravachana Mandiram. As part of the Sabha, Madhaviya Shankara Digvijaya Parayana by Asthana Vidwan Sri T V Shivakumara Sharma took place. Following this, Asthana Vidwan Sri Vinayaka Udupa gave a summary of the Sargas whose Parayana had just been completed. Upanyasas on Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s life and teachings were conducted by eminent scholars . The scholars who rendered Upanyasas in the Jagadguru’s presence this year were Vidwan Vishwanatha Bhat of Siddapura, Vidwan Ganesha Ishwara Bhat of Sringeri, and Asthana Vidwan Mahabaleshwara Bhat of Sringeri. This was followed by Mangalarati and Ashtavadhana Seva. The Murti of Sri Adi Shankaracharya was taken in a procession along the streets of Sringeri by the Vidyarthis of the Sringeri Pathashala.
Golden Jubilee of Kannada Shankara Kripa Magazine
The Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Kannada monthly magazine, “Shankara Kripa”, published by the Peetham was held in the divine presence of the Jagadgurus at the Pravachana Mandiram on Akshaya Triteeya day (Vaishaka Shukla Triteeya). After the Sabha began with Vedic prayer, Sri K G Krishnamoorthy, editor of the magazine, offered obeisance to Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam and detailed the history of the magazine. Speaking about the Anugraha of Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji (the 35th Acharya of the Peetham) and Sri Mahasannidhanam during these five decades, Sri Krishnamoorthy recalled the services rendered to the magazine by various devotees and scholars, in the capacities of editors and writers. Elderly and prominent editors and writers were honoured on the occasion by the JEO of the Peetham, Sri Venkataramanan, in the presence of the Jagadgurus. One of the writers honoured, Sri H V Narasimhamoorthy, Dharmadhikari of the Sringeri Shankara Math in Kundapura and the author of many books, spoke on the occasion stating that the Shankara Kripa magazine had provided an opportunity for writers like him to hone their skills from a very young age, and to expand their knowledge in various aspects of Sanatana Dharma.
Sri Mahasannidhanam released a special edition of the magazine on the occasion.
In His Anugraha Bhashanam, Sri Mahasannidhanam said that Dharma, which is responsible for the fulfillment of man’s life, has been pervading our lives. It is adherence to Dharma that ensures the goodwill of man and the giving up of Adharma that ensures that man does not end up suffering. The essence of Ramayana is that one must be like Rama, who was an epitome of Dharma, and not like Ravana, who went the path of Adharma.
All our scriptures – the Vedas, Smritis, Puranas, Itihasas and Darshanas – handle a number of topics. However, all of them lay prime importance on Dharma. It is for upholding Dharma that even the Lord incarnates. Such is the importance of Dharma. Among such incarnations for upholding Dharma, Sri Mahasannidhanam stated that the Avatara of Sri Adi Shankaracharya in the Kali Yuga stands unique. For, the great Acharya used the Veda Pramana and logic to dispel thoughts that were against the import of the Shastras.The Acharya highlighted that Karma is for Chitta Shuddhi which in turn makes one ready to understand the import of Vedanta.
Establishing the Chaturamnaya Peethams with great foresight, Sri Adi Shankaracharya ensured that the mission of sustenance and propagation of Dharma will continue for future generations. Sri Mahasannidhanam stated that it is the fortune of the first Peetham at Sringeri that the Acharya consecrated Goddess Sharada and appointed His direct disciple, Sureshwaracharya, as its head.
Reflecting on His Guru, Sri Mahasannidhanam declared that Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji was a shining jewel in this Guru Parampara. Travelling the length and breadth of the country, Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji spread Dharma. Sri Mahasannidhanam stated that amongst the various methods of propagating Dharma, His Guru felt that publishing spiritual magazines would take the message of our Shastras to many. Feeling that Sri Adi Shankaracharya, the resuscitator of Sanatana Dharma and the propounder of the Upanishadic Advaita Siddhanta, is to be revered by all and that His grace is needed for all, the Jagadguru’s Guru deemed that the magazines be published under the name “Shankara Kripa”. The magazines in Tamil and Telugu began in 1959 and 1961. The citizens of the state of Karnataka took efforts to commence a magazine in Kannada and with the blessings of Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji , the Kannada magazine first saw print in 1965.
From the time of inception, Shankara Kripa in Kannada has been spreading matters related to Dharma and Adhyatma amongst the masses. The Jagadguru noted that it is praiseworthy that the magazine has stuck to its task.
The Jagadguru also praised elderly scholars honoured on the occasion including Sri H LN Shastri, Smt. Anantalakshmi Natarajan and Sri H V Narasimhamurthy. Sri Mahasannidhanam also had special words of praise and blessings for the present editor, Sri Krishnamoorthy, who has been doing his duty with joy and diligence. Sri Mahasannidhanam mentioned that the editor’s efforts have ensured that many more Astikas are laying their hands on the spiritual magazine every month.
Sri Mahasannidhanam concluded the Bhashanam stating that it was fitting that a magazine that was started 50 years back on the occasion of Shankara Jayanti was duly celebrating its Golden Jubilee during the Shankara Jayanti Celebrations.
Shankara Jayanti Day
On 23rd April 2015, Shankara Jayanti day, Sri Mahasannidhanam performed an elaborate Puja to Sri Adi Shankaracharya in the afternoon. Vedic scholars who chanted the Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad and Krishna Yajur Veda Ghana, as well as the assembled devotees, feasted their eyes on Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam paying obeisance to Bhagavatpada. Sri Mahasannidhanam concluded the Puja with the grand ‘Kanakabhisheka’ to the Vigraha of Sri Adi Shankaracharya.
In the evening, a Sabha was organized at the Pravachana Mandiram in the divine presence of the Jagadgurus. After the Madhaviya Shankara Digvijaya Parayana took place, the Administrator and CEO, Guru Seva Dhurina Dr. V R Gowrishankar spoke about the Shankara Jayanti Celebrations as a 5-day event, as constituted by the 33rd Acharya of the Peetham, Jagadguru Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Narasimha Bharati Mahaswamiji. He also mentioned that, under the umbrella of the Shaankara Tattva Prasaara Abhiyanam of the Peetham, hundreds of centres in various districts of Karnataka have begun the Shankara Jayanti Celebrations, and that the Celebrations were also in full swing in various branch Maths of the Peetham across the nation.
Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahasannidhanam then released 3 books on the occasion. The first book released was Volume 2 of Sri Dakshinamurti Stotram of Sri Adi Shankaracharya with translation and explanatory notes by Sri D S Subbaramaiya based on the commentaries ‘Maanasollasa’ (of Sureshwaracharya) and ‘Tattvasudha’. The second book was Madhaviya Shankara Digvijaya Volume 1 containing, in Kannada script, the first nine Sargas (cantos) of the biographical work on Bhagavatpada by Sri Vidyaranya, the 12th Acharya of the Sringeri Sharada Peetham. The book also contains Kannada translation and notes by the late Vidwan Ranganatha Sharma. The third book released was Bhagavatpada’s Prakarana Vivekachoodamani with English translation of the verses by Swami Jnanananda Bharati (R Krishnaswamy Iyer in Poorvashrama).
Anugraha Bhashanam by Sri Sannidhanam
Immediately afterwards, Jagadguru Sri Vidhushekara Bharati Sannidhanam rendered His Anugraha Bhashanam. Sri Sannidhanam paid singular tribute to Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankaracharya with specific focus on the Moksha Marga (path towards Moksha) as clarified by the great philosopher-saint.
Sri Sannidhanam began His Anugraha Bhashanam by comparing Mahatmas to Vasantha Ritu (spring season) which brings in unbounded joy in the lives of all beings. Mahatmas too exist for the welfare of the world, showering their blessings on one and all. The towering example of a Mahatma is Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankaracharya who has blessed this world immensely, stated Sri Sannidhanam. His Holiness further explained that our life’s prime purpose is Moksha and Sri Adi Shankara has taught us the Moksha Marga. Of the four Purusharthas (Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha), Moksha is considered the Parama Purushartha because Moksha is everlasting while the other three are transient in nature.
Delving further, Sri Sannidhanam introduced the six Astika Darshanas or schools of philosophy namely, Vaisheshika, Nyaya, Sankhya, Yoga, Mimaamsa and Vedanta. Sri Sannidhanam explained that the path to Moksha explained by the Astika Darshanas, except Vedanta, take root in the scholarship or intellectual capacity of individual teachers. These are teachings formulated primarily on logic and not based with the Vedas as the principal Pramaana (instrument of knowledge). Sri Sannidhanam stated that we do not have the capacity to accurately determine anything because our reasoning is always based on the limitations of our mental faculties. No matter how hard we work towards deriving a specific conclusion, there is always the possibility of a person with greater intellectual strength to debunk our theory and propose something else. 
To further explain the unreliability of the intellect, Sri Sannidhanam quoted a shloka by Raghunatha Shiromani (a great scholar in Nyaya Darshana and the author of the famous Nyaya work, Deedhiti) –
विदुषां निवहैरिहैकमत्याद् यददुष्टं निरटङ्कि यच्च दुष्टम् ।
मयि जल्पति कल्पनाधिनाथे रघुनाथे मनुतां तदन्यथैव ॥
Sri Raghunatha Shiromani states that through his arguments, he can make what seems logically acceptable to all, as illogical and what seems totally illogical as completely logical.
Drawing a comparision, Sri Sannidhanam stated that philosophers from other schools base their teachings primarily on their own logic whereas Sri Adi Shankaracharya based his arguments principally on the foundation of the Shrutis. Anything which was against the Shrutis was unacceptable to Sri Shankara. Using the Shrutis as Pramaana, Sri Adi Shankara waged intellectual debates against other schools of thought and established the supremacy of the path laid out in the Shrutis.
Basing his conclusion on the Vedic statement – तमेव विदित्वाऽतिमृत्युमेति नान्यः पन्था विद्यतेऽयनाय – Bhagavatpada stated that Jnana alone leads to Moksha.
A question may then arise about the purpose of performing Karma if Jnana is the only means to Moksha. Given that the Shrutis advocate Jnana as the sole means to Moksha and also advocate the performance of Karma, it would appear that the Shrutis propound conflicting theories. Sri Sannidhanam clarified by explaining Sri Adi Shankara’s stance on the same. Sri Adi Shankara has stated that while there is no doubt that Jnana gives Moksha, Karma is a necessary step towards attainment of that Jnana. Sri Sannidhanam described the many impurities like Kama (desires), Krodha (anger), etc that one has to overcome. To cleanse ourselves, we have to resort to Karma enjoined in the scriptures, in keeping with our capacities. Doing so, declared Sri Sannidhanam, will lead us to Chitta Shuddhi (purity of mind). 
To explain Chitta Shuddi, Sri Sannidhanam described the three gunas – Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. People with high Sattva guna engage in Punya Karma (meritorious deeds). Those with increased Rajas (impelled by kama, krodha, etc) engage in both Punya and Paapa (sin). The ones with Tamas will be demoniac. Sri Sannidhanam stated that to walk the Dharmic path, one must possess Sattva guna. As the sin-inducing gunas of Rajas and Tamas decrease, the Sattva quotient increases in us and this leads us to Chitta Shuddhi. Chitta Shuddhi makes us eligible for Jnana and for that purpose, we have to tread the Dharmic path. Thus, we cannot let go of Karma. Sri Sannidhanam stated that only Jnanis have no need to perform Karma. To become deserving of Jnana, we have to perform Karma and that is why the Shrutis proclaim the need for Karma, explained Sri Sannidhanam.
Thus, Sri Shankara has clearly outlined for us the Moksha Marga as propounded in the Shrutis. Sri Sannidhanam urged everyone to clearly understand and follow Sri Adi Shankara’s teachings. 
Sri Sannidhanam remarked that we are fortunate to be Shishyas of Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada. Stating that we all have had the good fortune of having Darshan of Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada through the illustrious Sringeri Guru Parampara, Sri Sannidhanam declared that there was absolutely no doubt about it and that He spoke from experience of being the disciple of His Guru, the Jagadguru. Sri Sannidhanam expressed that receiving Sannyasa Deeksha through a Maha Purusha in the lineage of Sri Adi Shankaracharya is a great fortune and blessing. Sri Sannidhanam mentioned that His Guru taught Him all Shastras and once told Sri Sannidhanam that He was the only One to receive complete knowledge of all the Shastras directly from Sri Mahasannidhanam. Referring to a scholar’s statement earlier in the program that Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada personally taught His shishyas even during his Digvijaya Yatras across India, Sri Sannidhanam said that He remembered the days when His Guru also did the same. During the Vijay Yatra in 2012-13, despite His tight schedule, Sri Mahasannidhanam personally taught Nyaya Shastra for about one and half hours every day. Sri Sannidhanam concluded the Bhashanam by offering His salutations to His Guru.
Anugraha Bhashanam by Sri Mahasannidhanam
In His Anguraha Bhashanam, Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji said that we observe Shankara Jayanti to express our gratitude to Sri Adi Shankaracharya who has done indescribable Upakara to us. At a time when Sanatana Dharma and Advaita Siddhanta were at an ebb, the Acharya resuscitated them and ensured, with great foresight, that Dharma and Vedanta will be sustained and passed on to the succeeding generations. Not giving into any individual discomforts, the Acharya strove hard during his 32 year lifespan to bring about the welfare of the world. Sri Mahasannidhanam stated that Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s efforts, at a time when travels were so difficult, never cease to amaze us. Even a century ago, it used to take 3 days to come from Bengaluru to Sringeri. However, 12 centuries back, the great Acharya travelled the length and breadth of the country, propounding the Upanishadic knowledge and driving away doubts, confusion and wrong interpretations in the minds of scholars, as well as the masses. 
Sri Mahasannidhanam explained how the Acharya had to face great scholars of various philosophic schools and defeated all of them. Even the great Mandana Mishra (also called Vishwaroopa and an adherent of the Mimamsa school), after debating with the Acharya, was made to realise that his understanding of the import of the Vedas was incomplete. At the end of the debate, Vishwaroopa did accept the supremacy of Vedanta yet felt great grief. He felt that the propounder of the Mimamsa school and the great Vedic seer, Maharshi Jaimini could not have been wrong. Sri Shankaracharya pointed out that the teachings of Maharshi Jaimini had to be understood properly. At the direction of the Acharya, Vishwaroopa fervently prayed to Maharshi Jaimini who, out of compassion, manifested. The Maharshi, a disciple of Bhagavan Veda Vyasa, then explained that the Acharya was propounding the Vedanta Darshanam of his revered Guru. The Maharshi also explained that the importance of Karma had been stressed by him. In turn, the Acharya had pointed out how long Karma had to be diligently performed and how, on the dawn of Vairagya, one had to strive for Jnana. Thus did Sri Adi Shankaracharya who excelled in the knowledge of Advaita and had unshakeable faith in it being the true import of the Upanishads. Sri Mahasannidhanam pointed that Sri Adi Shankaracharya was just like Maharshi Yajnavalkya, in terms of knowledge and faith in the Vedantic import. Just like the great Rishi, the Acharya too faced innumerable opponents, and defeated them all.
Focusing on the works of the great Acharya, Sri Mahasannidhanam stated that the depth and greatness of Advaita Siddhanta can be seen from the Acharya’s Bhashyas on the Brahma Sutras and Upanishads. When trying to understand the import of a particular topic, the Jagadguru explained that one must make note of certain parameters laid down by the Shastras, such as, Upakrama (introduction), Upasamhara (conclusion), Abhyasa (repetition of the fact), Apoorvataa (uniqueness), Phalam (result of knowing something or the result of an enjoined action), etc –
उपक्रमोपसंहारौ अभ्यासोऽपूर्वता फलम् ।
अर्थवादोपपत्ती च लिङ्गं तात्पर्यनिर्णये ॥
It is by proper use of these parameters that Bhagavatpada resolves all questions and doubts, and concludes that the fountainhead of the Upanishadic philosophy is Advaita. Hence, those Vedic statements that point to the difference between Jiva and Brahman are true in the Vyaavahaarika or empirical state. The non-difference or identity between Jiva and Brahman is from the Paaramaarthika (transcendental) standpoint. ज्ञाते द्वैतं न विद्यते – says Gaudapada. Sri Mahasannidhanam explained that for one who has realized, there is no Dvaita. Hence, all Vedic statements are valid, when viewed at from the right perspective. It is the greatness of Sri Adi Shankaracharya that He propounded this abstruse philosophy in a way that can be comprehended by a fine intellect and a pure mind. It must be remembered that Adi Shankaracharya did not propose Advaita as a new philosophy. The Jagadguru stressed that we find the same Siddhanta in the words of Yajnavalkya and Gaudapada, and in the Dharma Shastras and Mahabharata.
The Paramaguru of Bhagavatpada Gaudapada Himself has stated the state of Advaita – मायामात्रमिदं द्वैतम् अद्वैतं परमार्थतः. Bhagavan Veda Vyasa has beautifully postulated Advaita by His concise Brahma Sutras and Sri Adi Shankaracharya expounded on them by writing His Brahma Sutra Bhashya.
Hence, just as we observe Sri Rama Navami on Chaitra Shukla Navami, Sri Krishna Jayanti on Shravana Krishna Ashtami, Sri Vamana Jayanti on Bhadrapada Shukla Ekadashi, we observe Sri Shankara Jayanti on Vaishaka Shukla Panchami to revere Bhagavatpada.
Sri Mahasannidhanam also added that it is under the direction of His Parameshti Guru (Jagadguru Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Narasimha Bharati Mahaswamiji) that the Shankara Jayanti Celebration was being held all over with such great reverence.
Explaining Bhagavatpada’s first instruction (in the text, Sadhana Panchakam) that the Vedas be studied daily and the Karmas enjoined therein be adhered to, Sri Mahasannidhanam stated that the Veda Sabhas are conducted in accordance with that instruction, to foster Vedic pundits and students.
Sri Mahasannidhanam ended His Anugraha Bhashanam stating that, by the Grace of His Guru, He had performed the Shishya Sweekara recently, and that His Shishya, Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati, who is endowed with knowledge and humility, is a source of joy for Him.
Adi Shankaracharya Maha Rathotsava
On the morning of April 24th, the Mahajanas of Sringeri arrived at the Pravachana Mandiram and reverentially extended a formal invitation to Their Holinesses to conduct the Adi Shankaracharya Maharathotsava. Sri Sannidhanam graced the Maharathotsava with His divine presence. The Ustava Murti of Sri Adi Shankaracharya was placed on the Maharatha and the grand Maha Rathotsava of Sri Adi Shankaracharya took place along the main Bharathi Street of Sringeri. The procession of the majestic Maharatha, led by His Holiness Sri Sri Vidhushekara Bharati Mahaswamiji against the backdrop of the dazzling sun and the vibrant chants of the Vedic scholars, made for a truly imposing sight.
Valedictory function of Veda Poshaka Sabha
In the evening, the Valedictory function of the Veda Poshaka Sabha was held in the august presence of Their Holinesses Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam. Administrator and CEO of the Peetham, Guru Seva Dhurina Sri V R Gowrishankar expressed joy at the large number of Vedic scholars and the increasing number of students who appeared for the advanced Vedic examinations. He also talked about the high standard of the Vedic examinations conducted in the Peetham. He felt that there has been a sizeable number of well-read Vedic students who hesitate to come to Sringeri for the exams because of the possibility that they may be examined by the Jagadguru Himself. He pointed out that the emphasis only needs to be on scholarship and thoroughness of study and not on any kind of hesitation. He also mentioned that the Peetham was conducting Vedic Sammelans all over the country to nurture, support and encourage the study of Vedas, and attributed everything to the Anugraha of Sri Mahasannidhanam.
In His Anugraha Bhashanam, Sri Mahasannidhanam said that it was a matter of great joy to witness many students appearing for the examinations conducted by the Veda Poshaka Sabha, that was started nearly four decades ago by His Guru (Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji). Sri Mahasannidhanam also happily remarked that all candidates of the Shukla Yajur Veda Kaanva Shaakha who He Himself had examined had passed with flying colours. Sri Mahasannidhanam also said that while it was encouraging to see the number of Vedic scholars, including Ghanapatis, on the rise, it must be remembered that the Shastras recommend Saanga Veda Adhyayana i.e. the study of the Vedas along with the Vedangas of Shiksha, Vyakaranam, Chandas, Niruktam, Jyautisham and Kalpa. Sri Mahasannidhanam singled out Vedabrahmasri Swanand Shivaram Dhaygude Ghanapati of Pune as the only one who had accomplished this by giving examination for the Vedangas also at Sringeri. Sri Mahasannidhanam encouraged other young scholars to follow suit and blessed all the scholars.
Mahamangalarati to the Murti of Bhagavatpada and Ashtavadhana Seva then took place.
All Vedic scholars were then blessed by the Jagadgurus and felicitated, in Their divine presence, by the Peetham’s CEO Sri V R Gowrishankar and JEO Sri Venkataramanan.
Sri Mahasannidhanam then awarded gold rings for excellence in Vedic scholarship to Vedabrahmasri Sri Krishna Ghanapati of Chennai in Krishna Yajur Veda, Vedabrahmasri Raghavendra Subhash Joshi of Gadag in Shukla Yajur Veda and Vedabrahmasri Swaminatha Sharma of Chennai in Sama Veda.
Then followed the felicitation of 57 successful students out of the 80 who appeared for the advanced Vedic exams. 13 of these 57 students who had cleared the Ghanapatha level examination were first felicitated – 2 in Krishna Yajur Veda, 2 in Shukla Yajur Veda Kaanva Shaakha, 1 in Shukla Yajur Veda Maadhyandina Shaakha, 7 in Sama Veda Kauthuma Shaakha and 1 in Sama Veda Raanayani Shaakha. The remaining 44 successful candidates had successfully cleared the Kramapatha level examination – 5 in Rig Veda, 18 in Krishna Yajur Veda, 4 in Shukla Yajur Veda Kaanva Shaakha, 6 in Shukla Yajur Veda Maadhyandina Shaakha, 8 in Sama Veda Kauthuma Shaakha and 3 in Sama Veda Raanayani Shaakha.
The Shankara Jayanti Celebrations ended with the Teppotsava on the evening of April 25, 2015, in the divine presence of Sri Sannidhanam.

  • To that which is born, death is indeed certain; and to that which is dead, birth is certain. Therefore, knowing this, you ought not to grieve over (this) inevitable. Bhagavan Sri Krishna on Significance of God