Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam, Dakshinamanaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Tablets distributed for school children


On January 20, 2021, a program was conducted to distribute tablet computers to needy students in the divine presence of Jagadguru Sri Sannidhanam at the Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Sabha Bhavanam opposite the Sharadamba temple.

Sringeri Math CEO Sri VR Gowrishankar speaking on the occasion explained that given the needs of students in the present times, the Math has come together with M/s Public TV and M/s Rotary International to provide the tablets containing preloaded lessons to SSLC students of Government schools and Government-aided schools in the Chikmagalur district. Around 500 students from various schools participated in the function and were benefitted.

In His Anugraha Bhashanam, Sri Sannidhanam called the students the wealth of our nation as they are the harbingers of our future. While we do not have control over the flow of time, it is indeed in our hands to determine how we act in the present and shape our future. 

There are times when we repent for our actions in the past, or even mistakes committed by people who lived in the past. We realise that such mistakes were committed without understanding their consequences for posterity. Hence, it becomes paramount that we use the present diligently and ensure that our future is bright. It has been stated even in the Vedas – भविष्यद्धि भूयो भूतात् bhaviṣyaddhi bhūyo bhūtāt , implying that the future is more important than the past.

We must ensure that we act while keeping in mind our good, and also the good of our society and nation. It must be remembered that today’s elders and people of great social impact were all students in the past. Only those who have the necessary education and have acquired knowledge and wisdom can effect beneficial changes in society.

Even Avataras such as Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, and Sri Adi Shankaracharya studied in a Gurukula under Sri Vasishta, Sri Sandeepani and Sri Govinda Bhagavatpada, and point to the great importance associated with education.

Quoting illustrations from the student life of Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Sri Sannidhanam called for students to respect teachers and study with focus and concentration. It is indeed a great opportunity for our nation where, presently, the number of children and youth are proportionately very high.

Sri Sannidhanam also pointed out that we must use technology and not let technology use us or make us dumb. For instance, earlier people used to remember many phone numbers. Today they are unable to remember even their own. When a man is asked for his phone number, he in turn asks the questioner’s number stating, “I do not remember my number. So give me yours. I shall call you from my phone, and thus you will know my number when it appears on your screen!” If the questioner too does not remember his own number and gives a similar reply, then we have a classical instance of what the shastras state as “अन्योन्य-आश्रय” – interdependence, without an easy solution at hand! Hence technology must be used as an aid, and over dependence on technology must be avoided.

Sri Sannidhanam also mentioned the need for revising daily lessons, and how knowledge is obtained not merely by listening to the teacher but also from classmates and is eventually secured by sustained effort.  

Sri Sannidhanam commended Public TV and M/s Rotary International for coming together and engaging in such a noble venture, and blessed the students, teachers and school officials.

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