Sri Sadashiva Brahmendra Kritis rendered
On the afternoon of February 3, 2021, kritis composed by the renowned Jivanmukta, Sri Sadashiva Brahmendra as well as by Saint Tyagaraja were rendered in the divine presence of Sri Sannidhanam by a group of devotees led by renowned musician, Rudrapatnam Sri R. N. Thyagarajan.
Sri Sannidhanam in His Anugraha Bhashanam stated that it is our duty to be associated with Bhagavan in some way. Even Maricha, the Rakshasa chose to be associated with Bhagavan, when faced with inevitable doom. When coaxed by Ravana to assist in the evil act of the abduction of Mother Sita and given the ultimatum of death in the event of not doing so, Maricha agreed to assist. However, he agreed only after realising that doing so will bring him death from the hands of Sri Rama Himself.
When even a Rakshasa realises that association with Bhagavan at least at the time of death is beneficial, it is our bounden duty to have Bhagavad at the centre of our lives. While a number of ways exist for Sadhakas to tread the path of Adhyatma, keertanam and nama sankirtanam are available for all mankind.
Sri Sannidhanam blessed the devotees noting that this rendering of the Kritis composed by Brahmendra had become an annual event that is held during Chaturmasya. This year, however, the event had to be postponed and was taking place on Pushya Krishna Shashthi day, the day immediately after the Aradhana day of Saint Tyagaraja. Consequently, inspite of the delay owing to the pandemic, devotees also rendered kritis composed by Saint Tyagaraja. Sri Sannidhanam used this as an illustration to indicate that even when man goes through difficult times, he must learn to observe and acknowledge what is positive and beneficial.