Jagadguru Sri Sannidhanam at Bengaluru

After camping at Mysuru, Hebbasuru and Magadi, Jagadguru Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam arrived at the city of Bengaluru on May 13, to a rapturous welcome by hundreds of eager devotees.
Reaching the Sringeri Shankara Math premises in Shankarapuram, Chamarajpet in a huge procession, Sri Sannidhanam was offered the Poornakumbha Swagatam by Sringeri Math CEO & Administrator, Dr. V R Gowrishankar.

After having Darshan at the shrines of Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankaracharya and Goddess Sharadamba at the Math premises, Sri Sannidhanam inaugurated the Sri Bharati Tirtha Sabha Bhavana, the newly constructed hall in the Shankara Math with a capacity of accommodating 2000 people and named in honour of Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahasannidhanam, the 36th Jagadguru of the Sringeri Sharada Peetham.

Sri Gowrishankar then performed Dhuli Pada Puja and in his welcome address happily expressed that the Jagadguru Sri Sannidhanam will grace the city for around 50 days and sought the cooperation of all devotees for the various events planned during the Acharya’s stay.
Jagadguru Sri Sannidhanam blessed the sea of devotees with an Anugraha Bhashanam. Sri Sannidhanam expressed immense joy at His arrival in Bengaluru and at the inauguration of the Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Sabha Bhavana. Sri Sannidhanam recalled that the original name of the Bengaluru was Kalyananagari and the arrival day (Vaishakha Shukla Dvadashi) marked the auspicious Girija Kalyana Mahotsava at the Sri Malahanikareshwara Temple in Sringeri. Sri Sannidhanam stated that it was decided to conduct the hall’s inauguration on the day of Girija Kalyanam, with the wish and hope that the Kalyana utsava also ushers in kalyanam (auspiciousness) in everyone’s lives in Kalyananagari.
Sri Sannidhanam explained the historic significance of the Bengaluru Shankara Math in relation to the Sringeri Guruparampara and the developments done by the Sringeri Jagadgurus. Referring to the Pathashala that was constructed by Jagadguru Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Nrisimha Bharati Mahaswamiji, the 33rd Acharya of the Sringeri Sharada Peetham, Sri Sannidhanam mentioned that it is as if He gets Darshan of His Paraparaguru in every brick of the Pathashala. Likewise, Sri Sannidhanam ecstatically mentioned that the hall which had been inaugurated today would serve to honour His own Guru, Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahasannidhanam.
Sri Sannidhanam mentioned that His Guru has become antarmukha these days, engaging only in activities that involve worship of Bhagavan for the welfare of all humanity, distancing Himself from all public functions and other external activities, and being ever engaged in contemplation. In connection with this, Sri Sannidhanam recounted an interaction between His Guru and a devotee. A disciple approached Sri Mahasannidhanam to grace his place for a kumbhabhisheka. The Jagadguru responded: “Swamiji (referring to Sri Sannidhanam) will come to your place. I will bless you from here.” The devotee persisted: “We are happy that Sri Sannidhanam will come and grace us. We request Sri Mahasannidhanam also to grace us.” The Jagadguru responded: “I do not go anywhere. Have you ever seen the moola-vigraha (located in the sanctum sanctorum) in a temple being taken out? The moola-vigraha does not go anywhere, it remains in the same place. It is only the utsava-vigraha that moves around. I have now become the moola-vigraha, therefore I will remain here and not go anywhere. Our Shishya Swamiji is the utsava-vigraha, therefore He will move around and grace your place.”
Sri Sannidhanam had special words of praise for Holenarsipur MLA Sri Revanna, who played a key role in the construction of the Sabha Bhavana. Blessing all devotees, Sri Sannidhanam concluded His Anugraha Bhashanam.