Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam, Dakshinamanaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri


Sri Ramachandrula Guravaiah , a generous Brahmin established a choultry at Trunk Road in Khammam, Andhra Pradesh in 1920 to provide food and shelter to pilgrims. He also organized various other social services for the welfare of poor Brahmins. In 1926, due to ill health in his old age, he made a will, by which a managing committee comprising of a few kind and generous local people as well as a few orthodox people, was established to run the choultry properly.

In 1972 the then existing committee started construction of “Shankara-matham” in the premises of Sri Ramachandrula Guravaiah chowltry and completed it in 1976. The murtis of Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Sri Sharadamba, Sri Lakshmi Ganapati and Sri Dattatreya were consecrated. Sri Sringeri Jagadguru Mahasamsthanam handed over the day to day administration of the matham to this committee.

This Institution which was under the control of Endowment Department of Khammam, Andhra Pradesh since 1989 has been handed over to Sri Sringeri Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam in 2010.

Since the establishment of Shankara Matham, Sri Shankara Jayanti, Sri Vinayaka Chaturthi, Sri Sharada Sharan-Navaratri and Sri Dattatreya Jayanti are being performed every year. Pravachanams by eminent pauranikas and scholars are also conducted during these festivals. “Sri Saraswathi kataksha siddhi saswatha puja” is performed during the Sri Sharada Sharan-Navaratri for children and nearly 650 members have since been enrolled. A photo of Sri Sharadamba and Prasadam is sent to the devotees by post after performing puja every year in their name.

The Shankara Matham has been giving scholarships to the merit students by way of books or dress material, and has also been conducting competitions for children in the age group of 5 to 10 years  in Bhagavadgita recitation and devotional songs and giving prizes to the winners and  certificates to the participants. Annadanam to nearly 100 people is arranged every Monday.

A goshala is maintained in the premises and Go-puja is performed regularly.

With the divine blessings of His Holiness Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji it has been decided to renovate the Temple, and choultry which was in deteriorated condition. The following works are being taken up in the existing premises at the cost of approximately 2.06 crore.

  • Mahamandapam  (approximately 1500 Sft)
  • Ornamental Entrance gate
  • Pravachana Mandiram (approximately 7000 Sft)
  • Yaga Sala (approximately 3000 Sft)
  • Archakas Residencial houses (approximately 4000 sft)
  • Vedapatasala (approximately 7000 sft)
  • Vidyarthi Vasathi Gruham  (approximately 7000 sft)
  • Telemedicine

To full-fill the above mentioned requirements, financial assistance is needed. Devotees  are requested to extend financial assistance and be the recipients of Divine grace. Cheques or Demand-drafts may be drawn in favour of —

  • Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetham Charitable Trust, Sringeri (for 80G Tax exemption)
  • Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri (no 80G exemption)

The above Donations will be utilized for development works of Sri Ramachandrula Guravaiah gari Brahmin Satram and Sri Sringeri Shankar Math, Trunk Road, Khammam.

  • Just as in this body, the embodied one passes through boyhood, youth, and old age, so does one pass into another body. With reference to this (birth, aging and death), the wise man is not disturbed. Bhagavan Sri Krishna on Significance of God
  • An object continues to be dear as long as one derives pleasure from it and it is detested for the duration that it causes pain. The same object cannot be always liked or disliked. Sometimes, that which is not dear may become dear. Moreover, that which was loveable can turn unpleasant. The Atma, towards which affection never wanes, is always the most beloved. Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada on Shatashloki
  • Blessings are the monopoly of God and we must all pray for his gracious blessings. Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamigal on Significance of God
  • It is pitiful that when many of us are asked, “who are you?”, The first thought that arises is “I am a Keralite”, or “I am a Punjabi”, etc. The thought that should immediately stem is “I am an Indian”. If people first feel that they are Indians and only then think of divisions, the nation will have great prosperity and the divisive forces will not be operative as they are today. Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamigal on Significance of God
  • Instead of using the tongue for speaking futile issues, use it to chant the names of God. God shall then guide you along the right and beneficial path. Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamigal on Significance of God's Names