Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam, Dakshinamanaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Category: News and Updates

Guru Vandana Programme organised at Bangalore May 16, 2007

In His Anugraha Bhashana, the Jagadguru blessed the devotees explaining the relation between the Guru and a Shishya and the qualities of a Guru and a Shishya

The Centenary Celebrations of Bangalore Shankara Math May 15, 2007

On May 14, the Centenary Celebrations (Shatamanotsava) of the Shankarapuram Math started at 7 AM with Jagadguru first performing Abhisheka to Goddess Sharada and then to Sri Adi Shankara

Kumbhabhisheka at Shanmukhaswamy Devasthana May 14, 2007

In the afternoon, of 13th May, 2007, Karnataka Governor Sri T N Chaturvedi had Darshan of the Jagadguru and received His Blessings.

Rajata Mahotsava of Jyoti Samskritika Prathishthana May 13, 2007

The Jagadguru emphasized the need to learn atleast necessary hymns such as Sri Rudram and Sri Purusha Suktam and the Upanishad Mantras with proper pronunciations and intonations.

Children enact Sri Shankara’s life and teachings May 12, 2007

Shankara Rotray library, maintained by Sri Sharada Peetham, Rotary Club of Bangalore, and Hippocampus performed a cultural program in front of the Jagadguru depicting Sri Shankara’s life and teachings at the Shankarapuram Math on 11th May, 2007

Jagadguru visits Tamil Nadu May 11, 2007

Jagadguru laid the foundation stone for a new Shankara Math in Hosur. He then reached Salem to a grand welcome. On May 8th evening, the Peetham distributed sewing machines to the poor and wheel chairs and hearing aids to the physically challenged

Prathistha at Vidya Varada Ganapati temple May 7, 2007

On 6th May, The Jagadguru perfomed the Prathistha of Lord Vidya Varada Ganapati at the newly constructed temple in Nagadasanahalli, Bangalore.

Jagadguru at Sri Sri Ma Anandamayee Bhagavata Bhavana May 6, 2007

“Does the title Jagadguru imply Guru of the World?” to which Jagadguru Sri Sacchidananda Nrisimha Bharati Mahaswamigal replied “No. Rather, it means that whoever in this world comes to Us sincerely seeking spiritual guidance, it is our duty to be their guide.”[…]

New Sringeri Math Branch at Kalkere May 6, 2007

On 4th May, the Jagadguru went to the newly constructed Sringeri Math Branch, Kalkere in North Bangalore. The Jagadguru performed the Kumbhabhisheka at the shrines for Sri Mahaganapathi, Goddess Sharada, Sri Dakshinamurti, and Sri Nagasubrahmanya Swamy

Release of book containing historical records of the Peetham May 5, 2007

On May 3rd, the Jagadguru released the book, “Selected Historical Records from the Kadatas of the Sringeri Math – Volume 2” in Kannada. This book published by Karnataka State Archives has been compiled from ancient cloth manuscripts (Kadatas) of the Sringeri Math by Dr. A.K.Shastri[…]

  • To that which is born, death is indeed certain; and to that which is dead, birth is certain. Therefore, knowing this, you ought not to grieve over (this) inevitable. Bhagavan Sri Krishna on Significance of God
  • Daylight and darkness, dusk and dawn, winter and springtime come and go. Time plays and life ebbs away. But the current of desire never leaves. Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada on Mohamudgara
  • Once you begin to feel the presence of God, a joy unknown to you ever before will begin to be felt. The thought of his ever- living presence with you will be a great solace to you. Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamigal on Significance of God
  • Tendencies develop, regardless of the characteristic of the action performed. Hence, he who wishes to lead a proper life will do well to avoid evil deeds and to repeatedly perform virtuous deeds. Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamigal on Significance of God
  • To err is human. Accepting one’s error and correcting oneself is a mark of nobility. Humility is the primary path to achieving nobility. Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamigal on Significance of God's Names