Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam, Dakshinamanaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Category: News and Updates

118th Varshikotsava of Sadvidya Sanjeevini Samskrita Mahapathashala April 8, 2013

The 118th Varshikotsava of Sri Sadvidya Sanjeevini Samskrita Mahapathashala took place on 8th April 2013. Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji graced a function held in the morning at Guru Nivas to commemorate the event.

Vijaya Yatra of the Jagadguru concludes April 5, 2013

The 404 day Vijaya Yatra undertaken by the Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji in the South Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh concluded today, Friday, the fifth of April 2013 when the Jagadguru returned to Sringeri at around 6:00 PM.

Sri Shankara Jayanti Vedaposhaka Sabha Examinations March 23, 2013

The Annual Shankara Jayanti Vedaposhaka Sabha Examinations will be held this year from 10th May 2013 to 15th May 2013.

Vijaya Yatra Website Update: Moti Nagar Anugraha Bhashanam March 17, 2013

The Jagdguru’s Anugraha Bhashanam at Moti Nagar has been added to the Vijaya Yatra website.  In this Bhashanam, the Jagadguru speaks about the ephemeral nature of life and why we should not procrastinate in adhering to Dharma and performing good deeds.

Vijaya Yatra Website Update: Moti Nagar Events March 16, 2013

The events at Moti Nagar (Hyderabad) have been added to the Vijaya Yatra website.  In His Anugraha Bhashanam, the Jagadguru spoke about the ephemeral nature of life and the importance and urgency of engaging in good deeds.  The video of the Anugraha Bhashanam will be uploaded soon.

Vijaya Yatra Website Update: Shamshabad Anugraha Bhashanam March 16, 2013

The Jagadguru’s Anugraha Bhashanam on the occasion of the Kumabhishekam at Shamshabad has been added to the Vijaya Yatra website.  In this Bhashanam, the Jagadguru touched upon the following aspects of Sanatana Dharma: 1.  Existence of God is the fundamental tenet of Sanatana Dharma 2.  Do not see difference in the forms of the Lord 3. […]

Vijay Yatra Website Update: Shamshabad March 13, 2013

The events at Shamshabad have been added to the Vijaya Yatra website.  The Anugraha Bhashnam will be added soon.

Latest Vijaya Yatra Schedule March 11, 2013

The final leg of the Jagadguru’s Vijaya Yatra schedule from March 16 to April 5, 2013 is now available on the home page of the Vijaya Yatra website.

Live Telecast of Mahashivaratri Puja from Guntur March 9, 2013

Mahashivaratri Puja performed by the Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji at Guntur and the Chaturveda Sahita Chaturyama Puja will be webcast live on the website from both locations. Details are given below.

Vijaya Yatra Website Update: Mahbubnagar Anugraha Bhashanam March 8, 2013

The Jagadguru’s Anugraha Bhashanam at Mahbubnagar is now online.  In this Bhashanam the Jagadguru covered four main themes: 1. Sri Adi Shankaracharya uprooted 72 schools of thought who were opposed to the correct import of the Vedas. 2. Non-duality (Advaita) is a firm conclusion of the Upanishads 3. Nishkama Karma, performing actions dedicated to Ishwara […]

  • To that which is born, death is indeed certain; and to that which is dead, birth is certain. Therefore, knowing this, you ought not to grieve over (this) inevitable. Bhagavan Sri Krishna on Significance of God
  • Daylight and darkness, dusk and dawn, winter and springtime come and go. Time plays and life ebbs away. But the current of desire never leaves. Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada on Mohamudgara
  • Once you begin to feel the presence of God, a joy unknown to you ever before will begin to be felt. The thought of his ever- living presence with you will be a great solace to you. Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamigal on Significance of God
  • Tendencies develop, regardless of the characteristic of the action performed. Hence, he who wishes to lead a proper life will do well to avoid evil deeds and to repeatedly perform virtuous deeds. Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamigal on Significance of God
  • To err is human. Accepting one’s error and correcting oneself is a mark of nobility. Humility is the primary path to achieving nobility. Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamigal on Significance of God's Names