Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam, Dakshinamanaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Category: News and Updates

Sri Sannidhanam at Ghati Subrahmanya  Doddaballapura June 5, 2022

On June 5, 2022 morning, the day being Jyeshta Shukla Shashthi with Ashlesha Nakshatra, Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam arrived at the famous Kshetra Ghati Subrahmanya Swamy temple & offered Puja.

Sri Sannidhanam at Chikkaballapura Chikkaballapura June 4, 2022

On June 4, 2022 evening Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam started from Bengaluru and graced Chikkaballapura. The Jagadguru was taken reverentially in a procession and blessed assembled devotees with an Anugraha Bhashana and performed Sri Sharada Chandramoulishwra Puja. 

Pratishtha Kumbhabhisheka of Sri Vidya Ganapati at Sir M Vishweshwarayya Institute of Technology Bengaluru City June 3, 2022

On June 3, 2022, Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam performed Pratishtha Kumbhabhisheka to Sri Vidya Ganapati in Sir M Vishweshwarayya Institute of Technology Campus of Sri Krishnadevaraya Educational Trust.

Sannidhanam has darshan at Sri Mallikarjuna Temple, Sri Dodda Ganapati Temple and Karanji Anjaneya temple Bengaluru City June 2, 2022

On June 2, 2022, Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam had Darshan at Sri Mallikarjuna Temple, Sri Dodda Ganapati Temple and Karanji Anjaneya temple and blessed the assembled devotees.

Kumbhabhisheka at the Pracheena Shankara Math, Bengaluru Bengaluru City June 1, 2022

On this Aradhana day, Jagadguru Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam presently gracing Bengaluru as part of the Vijaya Yatra performed the Kumbhabhisheka at the Pracheena Shankara Math located in Sultanpet in Bengaluru. This branch Math was established by Jagadguru Sri Vriddha Narasimha Bharati in 1876. Jagadguru Sri Mahasannidhanam had performed the Kumbhabhisheka at this Math as […]

143rd Aradhana of Jagadguru Sri Vruddha Narasimha Bharati Mahaswamiji Sringeri June 1, 2022

The 143rd Aradhana of the 32nd Acharya of Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Jagadguru Sri Vriddha Nrisimha Bharati Mahaswamiji was observed with reverence today i.e. on Jyestha Shuddha Dviteeya of the Shubhakrit Samvatsara at Sringeri. Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahasannidhanam performed Aradhana Puja at the Adhishthanam shrine of His Parapara Guru.

Sri Sannidhanam has darshan at Nimishamba Temple Bengaluru City June 1, 2022

On June 1, 2022 evening Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam had Darshan at Nimishamba Temple and blessed the assembled devotees with an Anugraha Bhashanam. Most devotees in the gathering belonged to the Somavamsha Aryakshatriya Samaj whose members revere the Sringeri Jagadgurus as their Kulagurus.

Kumbhabhisheka at Sringeri Shankara Math, Girinagar, Bengaluru Bengaluru City May 27, 2022

On May 27, 2022, Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam performed the Kumbhabhisheka of the Girinagar Sringeri Shankara Math Sri Sharadamba temple.

Kumbhabhisheka of Sri Subrahmanyeshwara Swami Temple at Kumara Park Bengaluru City May 25, 2022

On May 25, 2022, Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Sannidhanam performed Kumbhabhisheka of Sri Valli Devasena Sameta Sri Subrahmanyeshwara temple, Kumara Park.

Kumbhabhisheka of Sringagiri Sri Shanmukha Temple, Bengaluru Bengaluru City May 22, 2022

Jagadguru Sri Sri Vidhushekhara Bharati Mahaswamiji performed Kumbhabhisheka at Sringagiri Sri Shanmukha Temple of Dakshinamnaya Sringeri Sri Sharada Peetham at Sringagiri, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bengaluru on May 22, 2022.

  • For the protection of the righteous ones (committed to dharma), for the destruction of the unrighteous ones (follow adharma), and for the establishment of dharma I take birth in every age. Bhagavan Sri Krishna on Significance of God
  • O devotee, (with the mind) fixed upon the lotus feet of the Guru! May you soon be free from Samsara. Through the control of the senses and the mind, you shall behold the Lord indwelling in your heart! Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada on Mohamudgara
  • Have firm faith in God, his words and his servants. Have staunch belief in your religion and in dharma. Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamigal on Significance of God
  • An ideal disciple will indeed act as per the Guru’s instructions and not give place to thoughts as “Is it possible for me to do as he says? Shall I try something else?” If we follow our Guru’s instructions, it does not mean that we are unintelligent. It only implies that we have surrendered for our own good to a power superior to us. Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamigal on Significance of God
  • If we poke our nose into matters that do not concern us, it is we who lose our precious time. Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamigal on Significance of God's Names