Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam, Dakshinamanaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri

Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri


Theertharaj Prayag situated on the banks of confluence of three holy rivers namely the Ganga, Yamuna and the invisible Saraswati, is the king (Raja) of all the religious cities.  It is the holy Prayag where Sri Adi Sankara Bhagwatpada came across and met Sri Kumaril Bhatt who was on the verge of immolation (Tushagni). Sri Kumaril Bhatt directed Sri Adi Sankara to meet his ardent disciple (shishya) Sri Mandan Mishra at Kashi for his clarification on the Karma-Kanda. Later Sri Mandan Mishra became the shishya of Bhagwatpada and was consecrated as Sureshwaracharya the first peethadhipati of Sri Sringeri Math established by Sri Adi Sankara on the banks of river Tunga situated at Chikmangalur District in the state of Karnataka.

Establishment of Veda Pathasala

The 35th Pontiff of Dakashinamnaya Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetham Sri Sri Abhinava Vidya Teertha Mahaswamigal during His Vijay Yatra in the year 1966 was entrusted an old dilapidated Dharamshala situated on the banks of holy Ganga.  With the benign blessings of His Holiness the dilapidated Dharamshala was got renovated for the use of piligrims coming to Prayag and a Veda Pathsala was established in the year 1970 to impart vedic education to veda students in oriental style.

Veda Pathasala & Teachings

Bhartiya Chaturdham Veda Bhawan Nyas has handed over the management of the Ved Bhawan Mahavidyalaya and Veda Pathsala to Sringeri Math in the year 1990. With the benign blessings of His Holiness Pathsala building alongwith three quarters for Veda Acharyas were got constructed

About 50 students are being imparted Vedic Knowledge in oriental style. The three branches of Veda being taught in the Pathsala are Shukla Yajur Veda Madhyandini Shakha, Samaveda Kouthum Shakha, and Atharva Veda Shaunak Shakha.


In the year 1994 Sri Sri Bharthi Theertha Swamiji during his visit to Prayag laid the foundation stone for the construction of Sri Saradamba Temple and Sringeri Math in the premises of the Dharamshala in the presence of His Excellency Shri Moti Lai Vora the then Governor of Uttar Pradesh.

Math Building

A Math building with two halls measuring 70′ x 45′ in the ground and first floor and about 10 rooms in the second floor with attached toilets were got constructed and inaugurated by the Administrator Shri V.R. Gowrishankar in the year 2001 on the occasion of Kumbh Mela of the millennium.


Piligrims have the facility to stay in the math and perform religious ceremonies during their visit to holy Prayag and are provided necessary facilities /amenities.

Religious discourses, social and cultural activities are being conducted in the Vidya Bharathi Sabhagrih of Math.


Sri Sharada Peetham
Sringeri Branch;

Authorised Representative :

Sri N. Sundaram – Hon. Manager

Phone Nos. 0532-2500799
Mobile 09935685978,   09415029556

  • For the protection of the righteous ones (committed to dharma), for the destruction of the unrighteous ones (follow adharma), and for the establishment of dharma I take birth in every age. Bhagavan Sri Krishna on Significance of God
  • O devotee, (with the mind) fixed upon the lotus feet of the Guru! May you soon be free from Samsara. Through the control of the senses and the mind, you shall behold the Lord indwelling in your heart! Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada on Mohamudgara
  • Have firm faith in God, his words and his servants. Have staunch belief in your religion and in dharma. Jagadguru Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamigal on Significance of God
  • An ideal disciple will indeed act as per the Guru’s instructions and not give place to thoughts as “Is it possible for me to do as he says? Shall I try something else?” If we follow our Guru’s instructions, it does not mean that we are unintelligent. It only implies that we have surrendered for our own good to a power superior to us. Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamigal on Significance of God
  • If we poke our nose into matters that do not concern us, it is we who lose our precious time. Jagadguru Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamigal on Significance of God's Names